BufferOutQueue POINTER TO ARRAY [0 [...] -program by defining an array of SMC_GeoInfo (ExampleBuf: ARRAY
Operations (Property) CommandTimeArray [...] Value (Property) PriorityArray [...] Source (Property) ValueSourceArray
FctAdjustElemRectAndSelectRect (Function) VisuFctCalculateCompleteSurroundingSimpleRectOfElemArray (Function) VisuFctCalculateSurroundingSimpleRectOfElemArray [...] FctSelectElement (Function) VisuFctSetMax
Time Location MaxAPDULengthAccepted MaxInfoFrames MaxMaster Max
TimeOut UDINT Max. operating [...] BACnet.IEC_BACNET_ERROR STRUCT(tag := CmpBACnet.IEC_BACNET_FAILURE_TYPE._FAILURE_MAX [...] be automatically cancelled. fMax
BufferOutQueue POINTER TO ARRAY [0 [...] -negative. dMax
Buf: Array[1..50] of SMC [...] BufferOutQueue POINTER TO ARRAY [0 [...] -program by defining an array of SMC
or byte array with a [...] into a byte array [...] into a byte array
Buf: Array[1..50] of SMC [...] BufferOutQueue POINTER TO ARRAY [0 [...] -program by defining an array of SMC
Time Location MaxAPDULengthAccepted MaxInfoFrames MaxManager Max