IEC61850_MMS_DataExchange Input x_manRs BOOL x_hisRs BOOL manRs ty [...] information x_CO BOOL x
IEC61850_MMS_DataExchange Input x_manRs BOOL x_hisRs BOOL manRs ty [...] information x_CO BOOL x
ForDC : BOOL In [...] Return WaitForDC BOOL [...] Communication BOOL Output x
Buffer POINTER TO STRING di [...] ROOT_NODE BOOL bEmptyNamespaceNode BOOL
ILRealToString [...] TO STRING InOut: Scope [...] TO STRING Input lr
-Property-Content form data. GetBitStringFromContents (Function) GetBool
IEC61850_MMS_DataExchange Input x_ST BOOL [...] IEC61850_AT_INT32 stSeld BOOL q ty [...] IEC61850_AT_TimeStamp x_CO BOOL Control
IEC61850_MMS_DataExchange Input x_phsA BOOL Measurement x_phsB BOOL x_phsC BOOL x_neut BOOL x
IPAddress STRING Ip address [...] IPAddressSO STRING Address [...] UseTLS BOOL If TLS
IEC61850_MMS_DataExchange Input x_almAck BOOL x_almTm BOOL x_almCt BOOL [...] _CO BOOL x_ST BOOL