-Controller wants to read. ulIndex UDINT The index [...] or equal than value
FirstElementByKey FindFirstValueByKey GetChildren GetElementByIndex SetArray Set
* bStartLatchingIndex [...] are performed: the index pulse and index
A 0-based index [...] TrendData liAbsPacketStart [...] start time of the 1
of the targeted property. nIndex CmpBACnet.IEC_BACNET_ARRAY_INDEX The index within
Array Index, wenn der [...] Elment, MainElement xCanValue [...] FistSubElementIx INT -1 = kein Index
BACnet.IEC_BACNET_STATUS Sets the value [...] index should be set [...] or Array in a BACnet
Information MethodCallIndex WORD [...] Information ArrayOfArray [...] VariableTypeForInitialResolution BOOL Special value
in index 1 of the array [...] parameter will be started [...] Elem WORD Value 1
Block) AssignReadValue [...] _Exit (Method) GetBitValuePtr (Method) GetRawValue