TAPPETACTION.TAPPETACTION_time [...] determines the delay time in µs. dwDuration
The time [...] and the duration of the final [...] Remainder LREAL The duration
FineInterpolator_TrjDuration.Init (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL [...] segment1 SegmentId taskCycleTime
for the current date and time [...] :00:00.000 itfDateTime [...] Provider := Globals.g_dtpDateTime
and Date GetDateAndTime (FunctionBlock) SetDateAndTime [...] ) Function Blocks Time
Range (Function) FromBACnetDateTime [...] Stamp (Function) IsBACnetBACnetDateTimeUnspecified (Function) IsBACnetDateTime
IEC61850_AT_INS Actual time duration [...] IEC61850_AT_INS Previous time duration [...] IEC61850_AT_INT32U Total time duration
SysTime64 TimeDate SystemTimeDate [...] CurTimeEx (FB) ¶
Header creationDateTime date 17 [...] H libraryFile TimeAndDate [...] contentFile TimeAndDate
Header creationDateTime date 13 [...] H libraryFile VisuElemsDateTime [...] contentFile VisuElemsDateTime