- open / close [...] position (opened / [...] switches final position
-way-valve with a heat / cool [...] for heating / cooling [...] modes heat / cool /
compensation) fast heat / [...] managment system / room [...] TRUE does switch
(heater / cooler) coil [...] . In case [...] Error=TRUE / e
about the software limit switches [...] . These are reported by the Error / [...] 1031. SWEndSwitch
heat / cool pipe [...] . In the rare case shut [...] modes heat / cool /
. In case a function [...] for actions during start / [...] of BACstack hook / callback
. In case a function [...] for actions during start / [...] of BACstack hook / callback
range start / end [...] Input.Change_Of_State_Time or TrendLog.Start_Time / [...] ”: In most cases a time stamp
range start / end [...] Input.Change_Of_State_Time or TrendLog.Start_Time / [...] ”: In most cases a time stamp