Inout Const vCol1 SM3M.SMC_Vec vCol2 SM3M.SMC_Vec The first column vCol3 SM3
vectors \(v_{1}, v_{2 [...] to input vector \(v_{2 [...] ScalProd3
RailJoints ARRAY [0..2] OF SMC_VECTOR3 [...] PlateJoints ARRAY [0..2] OF SMC_VECTOR3D Inout Const vTCP SMC_VECTOR3
BOOL Input v0 SMC_Vector3D v1 SMC_Vector3D p [...] SMC_GetMaxComponents2
\) vP2 POINTER [...] on plane \(E\) vP3 [...] Type Comment Input v
vs. CmpBACnet2.compiled-library-v3 [...] . BACnet2.compiled-library-v3 [...] . BACnet2DefaultImpl.compiled-library-v3
ApplicationV3 Access [...] V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 [...] ApplicationV3 Access
SMC_V3_Derive (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SMC_V3 [...] v0 = v(x-h/2), v
_Angle (Function) SMC_V3_Angle2 [...] functions: atan2, 3 [...] _Frame_ApplyDir (Function) SMC_Frame_ApplyDynV3
the input vector \(v_{2 [...] \cdot v_{2}\] In [...] \(v_{2} \in \mathbb