_CONFIG if ok. If error eState is ScannerState.ERROR and Error.TCPIP_CONFIG_ERROR
edge: Resets outputs [...] and are only reset if either [...] or in the event of an error
Inherited from Input xConfirmError [...] then xConfirmError also sends all reset
: Resets outputs If a [...] and are only reset if either [...] or in the event of an error
: Resets outputs If a [...] and are only reset if either [...] or in the event of an error
: Resets outputs If a [...] and are only reset if either [...] or in the event of an error
ModbusTCPSlave xError [...] ModbusTCPSlave byModbusError MB_ErrorCodes MB_Error
PPROCESSDATA is received. S_byLocalError [...] .LOCALRESET local fault reason S_byMasterError [...] .LOCALRESET the reported error
Done , xBusy , xError are resetted LTrig Output x [...] LTrig xError BOOL
from FileStorageBase GetError [...] from FileStorageBase OnReset [...] from FileStorageBase OnReset