_ERROR 0 No error INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS 1 Array index [...] . INVALID_VALUE_PARENT 15
Execute BOOL Starts [...] OIDs REFERENCE TO ARRAY [0..(gc_uiMaxOIDs - 1)] OF STRING((gc_iMaxValue
to an array of INT values [...] . The value at index N will [...] here the return value of method
[alpha_start, alpha [...] ). If alpha_start <= alpha [...] The constant term alpha_start
the corresponding value of a key [...] . Objects and arrays [...] wstring diSearchStart
Starts reading on a [...] an ongoing read request uiIndex [...] index, e.g. 16
Starts writing on a [...] uiIndex UINT The object index, e.g. 16
MethodCallIndex WORD [...] Desc Used by array [...] . This is because an array does not change
BACnet.IEC_BACNET_STATUS Gets the value [...] index should be set [...] or Array in a BACnet
BACnet.IEC_BACNET_STATUS Gets the value [...] index should be set [...] or Array in a BACnet