_OUTQUEUE This variable points [...] SizeOutQueue UDINT This variable [...] Buf: Array[1..50] of SMC
ring dLength LREAL Length of linkage [...] ARRAY [0..5] OF LREAL
for the symbolic IEC variable [...] ) ArrayDimension (Struct) Array
to CmpBACnet.CONSTANT.BACNET_ENTIRE_ARRAY [...] or Array in a BACnet [...] BACnetARRAY property
IpAddress ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE [...] to the message data udiLength UDINT INOUT: Length
_NULL This variable points [...] variable gives [...] variable gives
HWAddrType BYTE byHWAddrLength [...] abyMACAddr ARRAY [0
abyData ARRAY [1..4] OF BYTE usiDataLength
abyData ARRAY [1..4] OF BYTE usiDataLength
of this variable, which always [...] of variables that enter [...] to an array of |SMC