the IO-configuration 2. enable the IO
has to be enabled for the IO [...] _DATA. The maximum size is 2 048 [...] Bus error code RD
in the same task [...] Enable BOOL Output [...] _Error Callstack ARRAY [0..(SoftMotion_NC2
interface cobId CL2 [...] message xAlways [...] received xEnable
Bit* / Phys2 [...] DrvWriteParameter IsChannelEnabled Phys2Virt Query
: 1 = CAN0, 2 = CAN1, 3 = CAN2, … CiA405Base ENABLE BOOL FALSE
: 1 = CAN0, 2 = CAN1, 3 = CAN2, … CiA405Base ENABLE BOOL FALSE
(rOut2). overlap [...] (rOut2) “zero [...] neither rOut1 or rOut2
Manager IMPLEMENTS DED.IStack, DED.IDevice2 [...] NodeCount Connector Enable First [...] SupportedCommunicationState GetBusInfo GetBus
in configuration file: [CmpCAACanL2 [...] Baudrate is enabled (0: disabled; 1: enabled) ;the baudrate