Created Notification, that a client [...] StructClientData A pointer to a
after a failed call [...] this call to get into a [...] where it is possible to start a new
_AxisAngle : STRUCT A rotation by an angle a [...] and direction of rotation. a
StructClientData A pointer [...] is called from a dialog [...] in the visualization is a list
CovProperty request Sends a message to subscribe a COV client [...] or more subscriber clients. A
establishes a Profinet DeviceAccess-AR or a [...] this connections to access a
(SCARA) is a special [...] to an human arm. A Scara [...] to when the first rotary axis (a
after a failed call [...] this call to get into a [...] where it is possible to start a new
and closing of a connecten to a GSM modem [...] and Writing sms to a modem
_VECTOR3D Input a0 LREAL a1 LREAL a2 LREAL Return