representation. InOut: Scope [...] ToString STRING Input iWhichVariable [...] of the variable within
an user from the global [...] Out: Scope Name Type
(Struct) Global Variables Globale
the registration of globally [...] := VisuRegistrationHelpDuringDecl(VisuGlobals [...] (generatedInst)) InOut: Scope Name
) has been completed. InOut: Scope [...] Input iCountVariables [...] of variables
InOut: Scope Name [...] Address3 POINTER TO BYTE Input pVariableInformation POINTER TO VariableInformationStruct
InOut: Scope Name [...] Address3 POINTER TO BYTE Input pVariableInformation POINTER TO VariableInformationStruct
. InOut: Scope Name [...] usiCountLatchVariables [...] of latch variables
Out: Scope Name Type [...] .TYPE_CLASS The type of the variable [...] The area of the variable
variables) will be passed [...] LatchVariableRead InOut: Scope Name Type