Data structures ¶ VisuStruct3DControl (Struct) VisuStruct3DPathPoint (Struct) VisuStruct3DTrack (FunctionBlock)
ImagePool_3DPath (Image Pool) ¶ ID File name Image Link type ControlPanel Navigationspanel_ohneRand.svg Embedded
VisuStruct3DControl (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE VisuStruct3DControl : STRUCT This data structure is used to control the camera of a Path3D element. The user links the vsiu element to a strcutured variable of this type. InOut: Name Type Comment iX INT speed in each orientation with which the camera is moved along X iY INT speed in each orientation with which the camera is moved along Y iZ INT speed in each orientation with which the camera is moved along Z iTurnX INT speed with which the camera is turned around the X axis iTurnY INT speed with which the camera is turned around the Y axis iTurnZ INT speed with which the camera is turned around the Z axis xResetXY BOOL TRUE : reset the view to the XY plane xResetYZ BOOL TRUE : reset the view to the YZ plane xResetZX BOOL TRUE : reset the view to the ZX plane
VisuStruct3DPathPoint (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE VisuStruct3DPathPoint : STRUCT Describes one point of a 3D path InOut: Name Type Comment v Vector3 contains the x, y and z position of the point udiSourceElementID UDINT used for highlighting and refers to the original path object dwAddInfo DWORD marks this point as … Bit0 = TRUE : this is the start or end point of the object Bit1 = TRUE : at this point, the poly line that displays the path, should end. Between this point and the next one, no line will be drawn. This may be used if the path contains a gap or if one wants to realize an optimized structure that takes care of the projection and wants to display only visible parts of the path/track. In this case it will happen that the path/track leaves the visible area. So the path/track is no longer one coherent line, but is interrupted. All other Bits are reserved for future use.
GlobalTextList (Text List) ¶
VisuStruct3DTrack (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK VisuStruct3DTrack This FB hosts a path or a track consisting of a number of points in 3D The data array has a ring buffer design. The points are added into the array after each other, while udiNumberOfPointsToDraw is incremented by 1. After udiNumberOfPointsToDraw equals udiNumberOfPointsInArray , the data provider can override the first point again. udiNumberOfPointsInArray is no longer incremented, but udiFirstPoint must be incremented, because the oldest point is the one, which is located one position after the newly generated one. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input pData POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF VisuStruct3DPathPoint points to an array of VisuStruct3DPathPoint elements udiNumberOfPointsInArray UDINT number of elements (points) of the above array udiFirstPoint UDINT contains the position of first point of the path or track. 0 means that pData^[0] is the first point: 0 <= udiFirstPoint < udiNumberOfPointsInArray udiNumberOfPointsToDraw UDINT defines how many of the points are valid and must be painted: 0 <= udiNumberOfPointsToDraw <= udiNumberOfPointsInArray pProjection POINTER TO Projection Feedback of projection into path/track is done by: VisuStruct3DTrack.pProjection . It is a variable that is set by the visualization element. The application may only read it. It contains information of the projection: by using the method Projection.Apply or Projection.ApplyV one can see if the transformed position lies inside the visu painting area described by Projection.ElementRect or outside.
TL_ElementProperties (Text List) ¶
Parameters (PARAMS) ¶ InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Constant gc_POINTS_PER_POLYGON UINT 100 defines the number of points of the track that shall be put in one polygon object
File and Project Information ¶ Scope Name Type Content FileHeader creationDateTime date 23.05.2024, 09:50:27 companyName string 3S-Smart Software Solutions GmbH libraryFile VisuElem3DPath.library primaryProject True productName CODESYS productProfile CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 contentFile VisuElem3DPath.clean.json version version ProjectInformation PreserveCompiledLibComments bool True Released True VisuElements True LastModificationDateTime date 23.05.2024, 09:50:22 LibraryCategories library-category-list Intern|Visu AdditionalLibsToLoadAsUsed string CmpBitmapPool;CmpLog;Standard Author CODESYS Development GmbH Company System CompiledLibraryCompatibilityVersion CODESYS V3.5 SP15 Description See: Description DocFormat reStructuredText Placeholder System_VisuElem3DPath Project VisuElem3DPath ServerBuildException ok Title VisuElem3DPath Version version
VisuFb3DPathClientData (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE VisuFb3DPathClientData : STRUCT InOut: Name Type Initial m_diLastPnt DINT -1