INT Error ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE The first byte [...] -errorcode, the 2. Byte
INT Error ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE The first byte [...] -errorcode, the 2. Byte
ValueToString [...] ValueToString : STRING InOut: Scope
parameters ARRAY [0 [...] ConfigParameter cfgData ARRAY [0..63] OF BYTE todo: pointer
to which arbitrary data (array of bytes) can be written
AddressConfigured : ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE This property
ranges of type ARRAY OF BYTE or ARRAY [...] TO BYTE Pointer to a
TypeDesc_Array [...] Dest POINTER TO BYTE pSrc POINTER TO BYTE var
TypeDesc_Array [...] Src POINTER TO BYTE pDest POINTER TO BYTE var
_PRM_DATA Station_Status BYTE [...] WD_Fact_1 BYTE watchdog factor [...] WD_Fact_2 BYTE watchdog factor