VisuElemBase Library Documentation ¶ Company : System Title : VisuElemBase Version : Categories : Intern|Visu Author : CODESYS Development GmbH Placeholder : System_VisuElemBase Description [ 1 ] ¶ This library contains the basic POUs and structures for the visualization. Contents: ¶ Library Information GetLibVersion (Function) GetLibVersionNumber (Function) IsLibReleased (Function) Private Implementation Benchmarking Debugging Enumerations InputInfo Interfaces Resources Structures TL_ElementProperties (TextList) Tests Utilities Visu_PRG (Program) Public Parts Animations Enumerations FunctionBlocks Functions GVLs Interfaces Structures Types Indices and tables ¶ [ 1 ] Based on VisuElemBase.library, last modified 23.05.2024, 09:51:44. LibDoc The content file VisuElemBase.clean.json was generated with CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 on 23.05.2024, 09:51:50.
Interfaces ¶ IClientObjectInfo (Interface) GetClientObject (Method) GetTransformationData (Method) SetTransformationData (Method) ICompactTextListInfo2 (Interface) GetUsedLINTTextids (Method) ICompleteSurroundingRectInfo (Interface) GetCompleteSurroundingRectInfo (Method) IContainerPaintSelf (Interface) PaintSelf (Method) IDialogManagerSupportsElementInfo (Interface) ElementInfo (Method) IDrawSequentially (Interface) IFrameElement2 (Interface) GetVisuStartEndIndex (Method) IFrameElement3 (Interface) SetVisuIndex3 (Method) ISelectableInside (Interface) GetOuterRectangle (Method) ISwipeableFrame (Interface) IsHorizontalSwipeableFrame (Method) IsTopLevelSwipeableFrame (Method) IsVerticalSwipeableFrame (Method) ITextListWrapper (Interface) Count (Property) GetElementAt (Method) ITransformationImplProvider (Interface) GetTransformation (Method) IVisuUserMgmtCyclicCall (Interface) CyclicCall (Method) IVisualElementVisibility (Interface) Visible (Property) IWrapsFrameElement (Interface) FrameElement (Property) Multitouch IInputRectangle (Interface) Bottom (Property) Checksum (Method) Flags (Property) Height (Property) Left (Property) Right (Property) Top (Property) Width (Property) IInputRectangleMgr (Interface) SetInputRectangleList (Method) IInputRectangleProvider (Folder) ProvideInputRectangleList (Method) IMultitouchElement (Folder) GetScrollValueProvider (Method) OnScrollValueChanged (Method) IOptionalMultitouchElement (Interface) IsMultitouchElementActive (Method) IScrollValueProvider (Interface) CurrentValueX (Property) CurrentValueY (Property) HandleInput (Method) Initialize (Method) Paint (Method) SetClientData (Method) SetLimitsX (Method) SetLimitsY (Method)
IClientObjectInfo (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IClientObjectInfo EXTENDS COL.IElement Methods: GetClientObject GetTransformationData SetTransformationData Structure: GetClientObject (Method) GetTransformationData (Method) SetTransformationData (Method)
IClientObjectInfo.GetClientObject (METH) ¶ METHOD GetClientObject : POINTER TO BYTE InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetClientObject POINTER TO BYTE
Visu_FctFindElementFromInputInfo (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Visu_FctFindElementFromInputInfo : IVisualElement InOut: Scope Name Type Return Visu_FctFindElementFromInputInfo IVisualElement Input itfVisualization IVisualisation inputInfo POINTER TO VisuStructInputInfo iCurrentLevel INT
Visu_FctGetElementFromInputInfo (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Visu_FctGetElementFromInputInfo : IVisualElement InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return Visu_FctGetElementFromInputInfo IVisualElement Input pClient POINTER TO VisuStructClientData A pointer to the client structure were the event occurred. itfCurrentVisualization IVisualisation itfVisualizationDialog IVisualisationDialog
Visu_FctGetElementIndexFromID (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Visu_FctGetElementIndexFromID : INT InOut: Scope Name Type Return Visu_FctGetElementIndexFromID INT Input piCurrentElemIdArray POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF INT iCurrentElemCount INT iIdToSearch INT
DebugItfAddrToItfPtr (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DebugItfAddrToItfPtr : __UXINT Returns the location of an interface, usefull for printing in debug messages for example. Call with ADR(itf) InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return DebugItfAddrToItfPtr __UXINT Input pItf POINTER TO __UXINT Passed as pointer to interface to support all kinds of interface (no matter of derived from __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface or not)
Enumerations ¶ VisuClientTag (Enum) VisuEnumBackgroundDrawingState (Enum) VisuEventTarget (Enum)
VisuClientTag (ENUM) ¶ TYPE VisuClientTag : not strict because compared with integral values coming from the runtime this enumeration is the successor of CmpVisuHandler.VisuEnumClientTag Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Comment Undefined do not change as this is a value copied from CmpVisuHandler->VisuEnumClientTag Name do not change as this is a value copied from CmpVisuHandler->VisuEnumClientTag AddressIPv4 do not change as this is a value copied from CmpVisuHandler->VisuEnumClientTag RTVTargetInfo The identification of the remote targetvisualization device