VisuEnumBackgroundDrawingState (ENUM) ¶ TYPE VisuEnumBackgroundDrawingState : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Background 0 ClientObject 1
VisuEventTarget (ENUM) ¶ TYPE VisuEventTarget : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial VISU 0 DIALOG 1
InputInfo ¶ Visu_FctFindElementFromInputInfo (Function) Visu_FctGetElementFromInputInfo (Function) Visu_FctGetElementIndexFromID (Function)
Benchmarking ¶ VisuBenchmarkFBStatistics (FunctionBlock) VisuBenchmarkNowInUs (Function)
VisuBenchmarkFBStatistics (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK VisuBenchmarkFBStatistics EXTENDS VisuRealValueStatistics Class is only necessary to keep compatibility with existing benchmark project InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Inherited from Output rAvg REAL VisuRealValueStatistics rStdDeriv REAL VisuRealValueStatistics rMin REAL 3.402823466E+38 VisuRealValueStatistics rMax REAL -3.402823466E+38 VisuRealValueStatistics udiNum UDINT VisuRealValueStatistics
Library Information ¶ GetLibVersion (Function) GetLibVersionNumber (Function) IsLibReleased (Function)
GetLibVersion (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GetLibVersion : VERSION This function has been automatically generated from the project information. InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetLibVersion VERSION
GetLibVersionNumber (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GetLibVersionNumber : DWORD This function has been automatically generated from the project information. InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetLibVersionNumber DWORD
VisuBenchmarkNowInUs (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuBenchmarkNowInUs : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return VisuBenchmarkNowInUs UDINT
Debugging ¶ DebugItfAddrToItfPtr (Function)