Visu Scaling ¶ Touch Handling VisuFbRectangleListManager (FunctionBlock) AddLargeScrollLimits (Method) CollectRectangles (Method) IRectangleListManager AddRectangle (Method) AddZoomScrollLimits (Method) ForwardCall (Method) ForwardCallWithMouseDownInfo (Method) PopClipping (Method) PushClipping (Method) SetUpdateNecessary (Method) IRectangleListManager2 AddContentRect (Method) AddRectangleTransformed (Method) AddTouchRectRenderLocationInfo (Method) PushClippingTransformed (Method) IRectangleListManager3 AddContentRectTransformed (Method) IsUpdateNecessary (Property) Private DoAddScrollLimits (Method) DoAddZoomLimits (Method) VisuFctGetTargetVisuTouchFlags (Function) VisuFbScalingInfo (FunctionBlock) IsChanged (Method) Reset (Method) UpdateFromGestureHelper (Method) VisuStructScaleScrollInfo (Struct)
Touch Handling ¶ VisuFbRectangleListManager (FunctionBlock) AddLargeScrollLimits (Method) CollectRectangles (Method) IRectangleListManager AddRectangle (Method) AddZoomScrollLimits (Method) ForwardCall (Method) ForwardCallWithMouseDownInfo (Method) PopClipping (Method) PushClipping (Method) SetUpdateNecessary (Method) IRectangleListManager2 AddContentRect (Method) AddRectangleTransformed (Method) AddTouchRectRenderLocationInfo (Method) PushClippingTransformed (Method) IRectangleListManager3 AddContentRectTransformed (Method) IsUpdateNecessary (Property) Private DoAddScrollLimits (Method) DoAddZoomLimits (Method) VisuFctGetTargetVisuTouchFlags (Function)
VisuFbScalingInfo (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK VisuFbScalingInfo InOut: Scope Name Type Input info VisuStructScaleScrollInfo Methods: IsChanged Reset UpdateFromGestureHelper Structure: IsChanged (Method) Reset (Method) UpdateFromGestureHelper (Method)
VisuFbClientLogger.WriteMessageInBuffer (METH) ¶ METHOD WriteMessageInBuffer : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return WriteMessageInBuffer BOOL Input iLogClass INT iPosition INT stLogMessage STRING(255) pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData
VisuFbDWORDVector (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK VisuFbDWORDVector EXTENDS VisuFbBaseVector Methods: AddDWORD GetDWORD InitStaticMemory , inherited from VisuFbBaseVector RemoveEntryAt , inherited from VisuFbBaseVector abstrAssign abstrDataPtrChanged abstrSizeOfElement Structure: AddDWORD (Method) GetDWORD (Method) Overrides-and-Implementations abstrAssign (Method) abstrDataPtrChanged (Method) abstrSizeOfElement (Method)
VisuFbDWORDVector.AddDWORD (METH) ¶ METHOD AddDWORD : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return AddDWORD UDINT Input dw DWORD
VisuEventOptimization.CanBeHandledWihtoutPainting (METH) ¶ METHOD CanBeHandledWihtoutPainting : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return CanBeHandledWihtoutPainting BOOL Input pEvent POINTER TO VisuStructEvent
VisuEventOptimization.IsSameMouseMoveEvent (METH) ¶ METHOD IsSameMouseMoveEvent : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return IsSameMouseMoveEvent BOOL Input pEvent POINTER TO VisuStructEvent
VisuFbBaseVector (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK VisuFbBaseVector EXTENDS BaseVector Methods: InitStaticMemory RemoveEntryAt Structure: InitStaticMemory (Method) RemoveEntryAt (Method)
VisuFbBaseVector.InitStaticMemory (METH) ¶ METHOD InitStaticMemory Utility method that allows initialization of the vectors memory to start with a static buffer if this is supported by the underlying library. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input pBuffer POINTER TO BYTE CHECKED_OMIT, not relevant for int. visu and not called at all udiSize UDINT CHECKED_OMIT, not relevant for int. visu and not called at all