VisuFbInputRectangle.Flags (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Flags : VisuEnumRectangleFlags
VisuFbInputRectangle.Height (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Height : INT
VisuFbInputRectangle.Left (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Left : INT
VisuFbInputRectangle.Right (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Right : INT
VisuFbTemporaryPolygon.CopyToF (METH) ¶ METHOD CopyToF : BOOL Copy the source polygon to a temporary polygon and update the temporary destionation polygon. This method is used to copy the values of a VisuStructPolygon to a VisuStructPolygonF InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return CopyToF BOOL Inout Const SourcePolygon VisuStructPolygon The source polygon of which the points will be copied into a temporary polygon Inout destinationPolygonF VisuStructPolygonF The temporary polygonf
VisuFbValueChangedListenerForOnValueChanged (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK VisuFbValueChangedListenerForOnValueChanged IMPLEMENTS IValueChangedListener Methods: ValueChanged Structure: ValueChanged (Method)
VisuFbValueChangedListenerForOnValueChanged.ValueChanged (METH) ¶ METHOD ValueChanged : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return ValueChanged BOOL Input pClient POINTER TO VisuStructClientData A pointer to the client structure were the event occurred. pClient can be 0 when eType = ConditionVariable itfVisualization IVisualisation The visualization from which the value changed event is called. Is always set when pClient <> 0 itfVisualizationDialog IVisualisationDialog If the value changed event is called from a dialog this parameter is set (<> 0). paiInputPosition POINTER TO ARRAY [0..9] OF INT The input position in the visualization is a list of element ids. A list is necessary because of element in frames. -1 means not set. Example: 41,23,-1,-1,… Frame element with id 41 in visualization itfVisualization.GetName(TRUE); Element with id 23 in the referenced visualization of the frame paiInputFrameIndices POINTER TO ARRAY [0..9] OF INT A list of frame indices for the input position. This information is necessary to know the referenced visualization. Example: 1,-1,-1,… In the frame element the second visualization in the list of frame selection was set. pbOldValue POINTER TO BYTE A pointer to the old value. The pointer is not necessarily the same than the pbVarPointer. pbNewValue POINTER TO BYTE A pointer to the new value. The pointer is not necessarily the same than the pbVarPointer. pbVarPointer POINTER TO BYTE A pointer to the variable which was changed. Can be null if pPropertyInfo is set. pPropertyInfo POINTER TO PropertyInfo A pointer to the property info of the variable which was changed. The value is only set when the value changed event comes from a property. dwVarSize DWORD The size of the variable which was changed. eTypeClass __SYSTEM.TYPE_CLASS The type of the variable which was changed. eType VisuEnumValueChangedType The type of the value changed event. This type can be used to filter events. dwDialogId DWORD If the value changed event comes from a dialog the dialog id is necessary to know the context from which element the dialog was opened. This can be necessary to know the corresponding variables of the dialog. Normally the following events occur: Event with type OpenDialogPositionInfo - To know the element where the dialog was opened. Event with type Default - ValueChange event for the changed variables Event with type CloseDialogPositionInfo - To know that the dialog was really closed. dwParam1 DWORD If the value changed event comes from a key event dwParam1 contains the key code. dwParam2 DWORD If the value changed event comes from a key event dwParam2 contains the modifier code.
VisuFbPaintAfterAllElement.SetCallbackTarget (METH) ¶ METHOD SetCallbackTarget : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return SetCallbackTarget BOOL Input CallbackTargetPAA IPaintAfterAll
VisuFbPaintAfterAllElement.SetClientData (METH) ¶ METHOD SetClientData : BOOL this method will set the current client data in the object instance, that will be used during the following calls to Update, GetUpdateRects, Paint, HandleInput TOCHECK: removes reentrancy of objects! InOut: Scope Name Type Return SetClientData BOOL Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData
VisuFbPaintAfterAllElement.SetStaticState (METH) ¶ METHOD SetStaticState : BOOL lets the Visualelement decide if its view is completely static InOut: Scope Name Type Return SetStaticState BOOL