VisuFctIsRectRotatedBy180To270Degree (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuFctIsRectRotatedBy180To270Degree : BOOL Checks if a rectangle is rotated by a degree in the range of 180 - 270 InOut: Scope Name Type Return VisuFctIsRectRotatedBy180To270Degree BOOL Input rect VisuStructPaintRectangle
VisuFctIsRectRotatedBy270Degree (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuFctIsRectRotatedBy270Degree : BOOL Checks if a rectangle is rotated by 270 degree InOut: Scope Name Type Return VisuFctIsRectRotatedBy270Degree BOOL Input rect VisuStructPaintRectangle
VisuFctGetTextMargins (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuFctGetTextMargins InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input xNormalize BOOL Output iOffsetH INT offset of text in pixels iOffsetV INT
VisuFctHandleInputWithoutInputHandler (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuFctHandleInputWithoutInputHandler : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return VisuFctHandleInputWithoutInputHandler BOOL Input pEvent POINTER TO VisuStructEvent pClient POINTER TO VisuStructClientData ive IVisualElement
VisuFctSimpleRectangleFToSimpleRectangle (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION VisuFctSimpleRectangleFToSimpleRectangle : VisuStructSimpleRectangle InOut: Scope Name Type Return VisuFctSimpleRectangleFToSimpleRectangle VisuStructSimpleRectangle Input simpleRectF POINTER TO VisuStructSimpleRectangleF
IGestureEventHandler.HandleFlickGesture (METH) ¶ METHOD HandleFlickGesture : BOOL This method will be called when a pan gesture was detected by the visualiuation. RETURN: TRUE - When the handler has handled this event and it should not be handled by someone else FALSE - When the event is not handled by this handler InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return HandleFlickGesture BOOL Input start VisuStructPoint The point on the screen where this gesture was started offset VisuStructPoint In fact not a point but an offset. The distance, the gesture was moved on the screen. velocityPxPerSecond UDINT The velocity of this flick gesture in pixels per second pClient POINTER TO VisuStructClientData A pointer to the client structure were the event occurred.
IGestureEventHandler.HandlePanGesture (METH) ¶ METHOD HandlePanGesture : BOOL This method will be called when a pan gesture was detected by the visualiuation. RETURN: TRUE - When the handler has handled this event and it should not be handled by someone else FALSE - When the event is not handled by this handler InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return HandlePanGesture BOOL Input start VisuStructPoint The point on the screen where this gesture was started offset VisuStructPoint In fact not a point but an offset. The distance, the gesture was moved on the screen. pClient POINTER TO VisuStructClientData A pointer to the client structure were the event occurred.
IGestureEventHandler.HandleSpreadPinchGesture (METH) ¶ METHOD HandleSpreadPinchGesture : BOOL This method will be called when a spread/pinch gesture was detected by the visualiuation. RETURN: TRUE - When the handler has handled this event and it should not be handled by someone else FALSE - When the event is not handled by this handler InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return HandleSpreadPinchGesture BOOL Input startCenter VisuStructPoint The center point of the gesture on the screen where it was started center VisuStructPoint The center point of the gesture where it was finished scaleFactor REAL The scale factor of this gesture startOrientation REAL The orientation at the start of the gesture in degrees: 0 -> first touch right, second touch left 90 -> first touch bottom, second touch top 180 -> first touch left, second touch right 270 -> first touch top, second touch bottom rotationAngle REAL The orientation at the end of the gesture in degrees: 0 -> first touch right, second touch left 90 -> first touch bottom, second touch top 180 -> first touch left, second touch right 270 -> first touch top, second touch bottom pClient POINTER TO VisuStructClientData A pointer to the client structure were the event occurred.
IFrameManager2.GetSelectedVisuByIndex (METH) ¶ METHOD GetSelectedVisuByIndex : INT Will return the index of the currently selected visualization or a negative value in case of an error InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetSelectedVisuByIndex INT Input index INT The the internal array index of the frame that should be handled pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData The client whose frame information is requested
IFrameManager2.SwitchToVisu2 (METH) ¶ METHOD SwitchToVisu2 : INT InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SwitchToVisu2 INT Input stFramePath STRING(255) The path of the frame that should be handled @IECCodeConverter_Type: String pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData The client whose frame content shall be changed iIndex INT the index of the visualization that should be selected xUpdVar BOOL If also the variable linked to the frame has to be updated xUpdLastIndex BOOL If also the index stored as “last call” has to be updated (specifically used in redundancy)