data \(x_{n-1},\dots,x_{1 [...] \lfloor \frac{\sum_{i=1 [...] #7FFFFFFF Minimum of set \(x_{n},\dots,x_{1
wcharacters of STR1 by STR [...] . POS = 1 [...] is specified there as 1 . In
PERIODS INT (1..10) 1 A [...] of periods; minimal 1 [...] this value is between 1
_CmpChS_ChannelClosed WORD 16#1 EVTVERSION_CmpChS_ChannelClosed WORD 16#1 EVTPARAMID [...] _CmpChS_ChannelOpened WORD 16#1 EVT
</category> <element name=”ulParam1 [...] =”IN”>Actually unused parameter 1 [...] ulParam1 __XWORD
return of -1 In [...] FindW INT Input pst1 [...] relative to 1
of the planes h0 and h1 . Fails if h0 and h1 [...] _Plane h1 SMC_Plane
_CmpUserMgrDatabaseChanged WORD 16#1 EVTVERSION_CmpUserMgrDatabaseChanged WORD 16#1 EVT [...] (UINT_TO_DWORD(EVTCLASS_INFO), 16) OR 16#1)
RadiusX INT -1 RadiusY INT -1
_version’ gc_sEquals STRING(1) ‘=’ gc_sApos STRING(1) ‘”’ gc_sAnd STRING(1