. sFileName STRING [...] _VARLIST If there aren’t variables [...] D-mode) is executed implicitly. pString
COVIncrement ControlledVariableReference ControlledVariableUnits ControlledVariable
overwrites the global APDU [...] variables BACnet [...] Text CmpBACnet.IEC_BACNET_STRING
this input variable [...] FbAbstractTableColumn m_sColumnVariable STRING
Name string 3 [...] LibsToLoadAsUsed string Cmp [...] ElemsWinControls UseDefaultToggleTapVariable
given variable. .. [...] Symbol POINTER TO STRING
ProducingAssembly (Method) GlobalVariables
to declare a variable [...] to this variable. tz [...] TimeProvider := Globals
_TIMEVAL (Struct) Global Variables Globale
CodeFromWString (Function) GlobalVariables [...] HashCode (Method) String [...] HashCode (Method) String