ISelectionManager (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ISelectionManager EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface When the visualization is operated by keys only, the currently selected element or element part gets a frame. To move between the elements and therefore change the selection the selection manager is used. Elements that should be handled by the selection manager have to implement ISelectable. To change the selection via the application code the selection manager instance can be used: g_SelectionManager in Visu_Globals Properties: EnabledSelectionType FrameOffset SelectionColors SelectionLook Methods: DoSelectedAction ResetSelection SelectElement SelectElementAt SelectNextElement Structure: DoSelectedAction (Method) EnabledSelectionType (Property) FrameOffset (Property) ResetSelection (Method) SelectElement (Method) SelectElementAt (Method) SelectNextElement (Method) SelectionColors (Property) SelectionLook (Property)
ISelectionManager.DoSelectedAction (METH) ¶ METHOD DoSelectedAction : DWORD InOut: Scope Name Type Return DoSelectedAction DWORD Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData pEvent POINTER TO VisuStructEvent
ISelectionManager.FrameOffset (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY FrameOffset : INT
ISelectionManager.EnabledSelectionType (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY EnabledSelectionType : DWORD
ISelectionManager.ResetSelection (METH) ¶ METHOD ResetSelection : DWORD Resets the currently selection InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return ResetSelection DWORD Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData the client, where the selection should be reset
IRectangleListManager2.PushClippingTransformed (METH) ¶ METHOD PushClippingTransformed InOut: Scope Name Type Input rect VisuStructSimpleRectangle transform BOOL
IRectangleListManager3 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IRectangleListManager3 EXTENDS IRectangleListManager2 Methods: AddContentRectTransformed AddContentRect , inherited from IRectangleListManager2 AddRectangle , inherited from IRectangleListManager AddRectangleTransformed , inherited from IRectangleListManager2 AddTouchRectRenderLocationInfo , inherited from IRectangleListManager2 AddZoomScrollLimits , inherited from IRectangleListManager ForwardCall , inherited from IRectangleListManager ForwardCallWithMouseDownInfo , inherited from IRectangleListManager PopClipping , inherited from IRectangleListManager PushClipping , inherited from IRectangleListManager PushClippingTransformed , inherited from IRectangleListManager2 SetUpdateNecessary , inherited from IRectangleListManager Structure: AddContentRectTransformed (Method)
IRectangleListManager3.AddContentRectTransformed (METH) ¶ METHOD AddContentRectTransformed : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return AddContentRectTransformed BOOL Input rect CmpVisuHandler.VisuStructSimpleRectangle transform BOOL
IRectangleListManager4 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IRectangleListManager4 EXTENDS IRectangleListManager3 Methods: AddLargeScrollLimits AddContentRect , inherited from IRectangleListManager2 AddContentRectTransformed , inherited from IRectangleListManager3 AddRectangle , inherited from IRectangleListManager AddRectangleTransformed , inherited from IRectangleListManager2 AddTouchRectRenderLocationInfo , inherited from IRectangleListManager2 AddZoomScrollLimits , inherited from IRectangleListManager ForwardCall , inherited from IRectangleListManager ForwardCallWithMouseDownInfo , inherited from IRectangleListManager PopClipping , inherited from IRectangleListManager PushClipping , inherited from IRectangleListManager PushClippingTransformed , inherited from IRectangleListManager2 SetUpdateNecessary , inherited from IRectangleListManager Structure: AddLargeScrollLimits (Method)
IRectangleListManager4.AddLargeScrollLimits (METH) ¶ METHOD AddLargeScrollLimits InOut: Scope Name Type Input maxHorizontalScrollValue DINT maxVerticalScrollValue DINT curHorizontalScrollValue DINT curVerticalScrollValue DINT