derivative at x=0 and x=1 [...] The function value at x=0 f1 [...] derivative at x=0 f1
vectors \(v_{1}, v [...] \frac{v_{1} \times v_{2}}{\left \| v_{1} \times v
V3.5 SP10 Patch 1 [...] Base.clean.json version version [...] Base Version version
BACnet(1) (up to version 1 [...] BACnet(1) (keeping
of 1 [...] Day” = 1 corresponds [...] Month UINT 1..12 1 =>
CoolOperationMode.UNUSED Operation mode. xSeq1 [...] selection: xSeq1Cool:=TRUE => sequence 1
Filter ¶ PT1 (FunctionBlock) Init [...] ) Shift (Method) PT1
Initial NONE -1 IP 0 MSTP 1
PORTS (ENUM) ¶ TYPE PORTS : InOut: Name Initial COM1 1