Extender for the usage of Event-Alarms Methods: GetEventAlarm [...] Extender Structure: GetEventAlarm
to distinguish between alarms and events. Attributes [...] Alarm 1 An alarm
OfModule GetEventAlarm [...] OfModule (Method) GetEventAlarm [...] Extender3 , Alarm
between alarms and events.
GetEventAlarmID , [...] Extender2 Methods: AcknowledgeAllAlarmsOfModule GetActiveAlarms
notifications about events, that are only written into the alarm storage. Methods: Event
OfModule (Method) GetEventAlarm [...] Extender2 (Interface) GetEventAlarm [...] used by the alarming
When using Event-Alarms [...] extender of the alarm [...] generated by the alarm
. RaiseModuleEvent (Function) ReplaceAlarm
to distinguish between alarms and events. Properties: KindOf Methods: GetAlarm