PortIn (Function) SysPortInD (Function) SysPortInW [...] PortOut (Function) SysPortOutD
Comment Input b [...] _CheckVelocities . bSlow_Stop BOOL [...] _GEOINFO object ( dDecel , see
, V, W, A, B, C and additionally Z for in 2D [...] , EW, EA, eB, EC. FZ
of the additional axes A/B [...] between the tangents goes from dMinAngleToAct to dAngleTol . In
Initial Comment Input b [...] edge. bAbort BOOL [...] _GEOINFO . wAddAxis WORD
Selector_Week w w w TimeSelector_Day d d t
the input values dMaxVel , dMaxAcc and d [...] Input bExecute BOOL
PortIn (Function) SysPortInD (Function) SysPortInW [...] PortOut (Function) SysPortOutD
PortIn (Function) SysPortInD (Function) SysPortInW [...] PortOut (Function) SysPortOutD
Out: Name Type b BOOL byt BYTE w WORD dw DWORD [...] TIME lti LTIME d