any error, output CONFIRM [...] for an emergency, CONFIRM is set [...] A405Base Output CONFIRM BOOL
any error, output CONFIRM [...] for an emergency, CONFIRM is set [...] A405Base Output CONFIRM BOOL
_DownloadProgress (Struct) EVTPARAM_PacketConfirmation
EVT_ID_CMP_PACKET_CONFIRMATION [...] for packet confirmations [...] queue! EVT_ID_CMP_PACKET_CONFIRMATION
in any confirmed BACnet service
Limit (Method) IsStateWaitingForConfirmation
and to allow BACnetCancelPendingConfirmed [...] or after a call to BACnetCancelPendingConfirmed
and to allow BACnetCancelPendingConfirmed [...] or after a call to BACnetCancelPendingConfirmed
in any confirmed BACnet service