FUNCTION ToUpper : BYTE Converts an ASCII [...] Upper BYTE Input by
InstancePaths: compares two strings [...] . See ASCII [...] of all ASCII characters
whitespaces (ASCII 9, 10 [...] Comment Input pString [...] to the string to be trimmed.
_NO_ERROR STRING(2) ‘’ No error [...] _TECHNICAL_ERROR STRING ‘Technical [...] _LINE_FULL STRING ‘The line
reasons into an ASCII [...] PathFileName POINTER TO BYTE [...] and filename for the ASCII
..239] OF BYTE The NameOfStation as ASCII byte-array.
/from an ASCII file Modul, das Datenobjekte in eine ASCII [...] /from an ASCII file NAME
at most nBufSize ASCII [...] Dst POINTER TO BYTE [...] of the destination buffer in bytes
ASCII characters within the strings [...] the strings are equal -1 ->
DebugInfoBuffer POINTER TO IEC_BACNET_BYTE [...] for storing the ASCII [...] the define DO_ASCII