FB.PRVREC ; data : ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE := [0,1,2,3] ; [...] to receive CODE1 BYTE
ControllerMode ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE [...] ] This array contains
IPaddr ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE
AuthenticationData ARRAY [0..MQTTParam.g_udiMaxAuthDataSize] OF BYTE Binary Data [...] MaximumQoS BYTE Maximum allowed
Text ); // an ARRAY[] OF BYTE will [...] TO BYTE On-request Data
VarBindings REFERENCE TO ARRAY [0 [...] SNMPValues ARRAY [0 [...] Response ARRAY [0
OIDs REFERENCE TO ARRAY [0 [...] ((gc_iMaxValueLength - 1)) Array [...] SNMPValues ARRAY [0
*EndDelim with the same array index [...] _NCScanner_DelimConfig Output aValOps ARRAY [...] ..(SoftMotion_Token_Constants.c_numVarNameChars - 1)] OF BYTE
TriggerValueType BYTE The several [...] value as BYTE and an 8 byte value
of the data buffer in bytes [...] Buf: Array[1..50] of SMC [...] BufferOutQueue POINTER TO ARRAY [0