are described. InOut: Scope [...] wstNewPassword WSTRING the new
and calculates the new [...] this method sets the new [...] InOut: Scope Name
and calculates the new [...] this method sets the new [...] methods… InOut: Scope
the data located in pNew [...] ExpectedData . InOut: Scope [...] ExpectedData __XWORD pNew
Out: Scope Name Type [...] its deactivation state xNewDeactivationState BOOL The new
has been detected InOut: Scope [...] _BACNET_HANDLE An handle to an created [...] customer created
buffer InOut: Scope [...] to the buffer created by CreateBuffer
Out: Scope Name Type [...] Input udiNew
Out: Scope Name Type [...] Space UDINT Input udiNew
block pool created by PoolCreateX provided [...] Out: Scope Name Type