to CmpBACnet.CONSTANT.BACNET_ENTIRE_ARRAY [...] or Array in a BACnet [...] BACnetARRAY property
to receive data. The pointer pData specifies [...] the read data to. udi
) ¶ These data [...] Initial g_axesCS ARRAY [...] XYChartAxisClientSpecific g_curvesCS ARRAY
in poqDataIn by factor [...] The input variable poqData [...] _GEOINFO objects found in poqData
block is active. poqData [...] poqData [...] of the data buffer pby
ProposedMaxSerOutstandingCalled INT byProposedData [...] ProposedParameterCBB ARRAY [1..20] OF BYTE [...] ServicesSupportedCalling ARRAY [1..20] OF BYTE
to receive data. The pointer pData specifies [...] the read data to. udi
range of data items [...] of data available [...] with any list or array
parameter data set Sl [...] byMax_Diag_Data [...] Max_Alarm_Len BYTE byMax_Channel_Data
61850_ASN1_EncodingStruct (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_Array_Count (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_Array [...] 61850_Encoding_DirectoryNames (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_ListOfData