BCD_TO_DWORD (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION BCD_TO_DWORD : DWORD Converts one DWORD in BCD code into one DWORD in binary code Use DWORD_TO_BCD for the reverse conversion. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return BCD_TO_DWORD DWORD Value in binary code for the input X Input X DWORD Value in BCD code
BCD_TO_INT (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION BCD_TO_INT : INT Converts one byte in BCD format into an INT value Example in ST: i := BCD_TO_INT ( 73 ); (* Result is 49 *) k := BCD_TO_INT ( 151 ); (* Result is 97 *) l := BCD_TO_INT ( 15 ); (* Output -1, because it is not in BCD format *) InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return BCD_TO_INT INT Value as INT for the input B Input B BYTE Value in BCD code. If the value is not in the BCD format, then the output is -1.
BCD_TO_WORD (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION BCD_TO_WORD : WORD Converts one WORD in BCD code into one WORD in binary code Use WORD_TO_BCD for the reverse conversion. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return BCD_TO_WORD WORD Value in binary code for the input W Input W WORD Value in BCD code
BYTE_TO_BCD (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION BYTE_TO_BCD : BYTE Converts one byte in binary code in the range of 0..99 into one byte in BCD code Use BCD_TO_BYTE for the reverse conversion. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return BYTE_TO_BCD BYTE Value in BCD code for the input B Input B BYTE Value in binary code
DWORD_TO_BCD (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DWORD_TO_BCD : DWORD Converts one DWORD in binary code into one DWORD in BCD code Use BCD_TO_DWORD for the reverse conversion. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return DWORD_TO_BCD DWORD Value in BCD code for the input X Input X DWORD Value in binary code. Valid range: 0..99999999
INT_TO_BCD (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION INT_TO_BCD : BYTE Converts an INT value into a byte in BCD code Example in ST: i := INT_TO_BCD ( 49 ); (* Result is 73 *) k := BCD_TO_INT ( 97 ); (* Result is 151 *) l := BCD_TO_INT ( 100 ); (* Error! Output: 255 *) InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return INT_TO_BCD BYTE Value in BCD code for the input I Input I INT Value as INT. A wrong value (<0 or >99) causes a return of 255.
ICompactTextListInfo2.GetUsedLINTTextids (METH) ¶ METHOD GetUsedLINTTextids : POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF LINT returns the used textids in the texlist stTextListName. with the number of ids (GetNumberOfEntriesOfTextlist), it is possible to iterate through the ids, as they are stored in an array of lint and the returnvalue is the first value in the array InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetUsedLINTTextids POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF LINT Input stTextListName STRING
ICompleteSurroundingRectInfo (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ICompleteSurroundingRectInfo Methods: GetCompleteSurroundingRectInfo Structure: GetCompleteSurroundingRectInfo (Method)
ICompleteSurroundingRectInfo.GetCompleteSurroundingRectInfo (METH) ¶ METHOD GetCompleteSurroundingRectInfo : VisuStructCompleteSurroundingRectInfo Similar to GetSurroundingRect of IVisualElement. But here, the exact size has to be returned. Means, considering of possible outer frame line widths, which will enlarge the element. As well as considering rotation of the element or acute angles within polygons. Also the return rect may be different offline or online. As online also dynamic movement is considered. Whereas offline only a possible static rotation can be used. InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetCompleteSurroundingRectInfo VisuStructCompleteSurroundingRectInfo
IFrameElement2.GetVisuStartEndIndex (METH) ¶ METHOD GetVisuStartEndIndex : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetVisuStartEndIndex BOOL Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData Output iStartIndex INT iEndIndex INT