Desc Properties: MethodCallTypeIndex [...] BaseType_internal GetEnumValues [...] Desc GetAttributeByIndex
Desc_Simple Properties: MethodCallTypeIndex [...] : GetEnumValues [...] Desc GetAttributeByIndex
Execute BOOL Starts [...] Enterprise STRING((gc_iMaxValue [...] VarBindings REFERENCE TO ARRAY [0
values and Data in p [...] starts FALSE : Action [...] to ARRAY OF DTC . If x
Failed holds the index [...] Rising edge: Starts [...] become the value
between the start or end [...] EdgeDistance and the value of the g [...] ’). The distance to the start
starts Falling edge [...] , the corresponding output values ( [...] to their initial values. ETrig
value [...] Buffer POINTER TO ARRAY [0 [...] .g. by using an array
FBError ARRAY [0 [...] _REF_SML bDriveStart BOOL [...] Axis_REF_SML bDriveStart
FBError ARRAY [0 [...] _REF_SML bDriveStart BOOL [...] Axis_REF_SML bDriveStart