Header creationDateTime date 14 [...] Name string 3 [...] Released True LastModificationDateTime
=”OUT”>Version as string in the format [...] stProject STRING stTitle STRING st
-1131-3 format DATE_AND_TIME . [...] DTSplit ERROR Input dtDateAndTime
format. First step [...] STRING ; sDetailsMessage : STRING ; END
8 ToString BACnetDateTimeToString [...] string conversion to different string
-1131-3 format DATE_AND_TIME . [...] DTConcat (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DTConcat : DATE_AND_TIME
Header creationDateTime date 11 [...] Name string 3 [...] Released True LastModificationDateTime
Header creationDateTime date 11 [...] Name string 3 [...] Library False LastModificationDateTime
Converts a string of the format R [...] and false if the format
types. BitStrings BACnetBitStringGetBit (Function) BACnetBitString