from BACnetObjectBase SetBACnetAccumulatorRecordProperty [...] from BACnetObjectBase SetBACnetArraySizeOfProperty [...] from BACnetObjectBase SetBACnetBitStringProperty
Channel4 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE [...] Channel3’ Properties: Log [...] from IPersistenceChannel2 Set
and the following methods/properties [...] ] (used to read [...] [optional] (used
those properties using simple [...] combination used BACnetDeviceObjectProperty [...] Reference removed - use ObjectProperty
_CODES (GVL) Interfaces IBus (Interface [...] ) IDevice (Interface
Info (Property) QueryInterface [...] Necessary (Property) Set [...] AddressInfoIf (Property) Store
Channel5 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE [...] Channel4 Properties: Current [...] from IPersistenceChannel2 Set
can used the same [...] =”OUT”>Generic IBase interface that can be used in IEC
communication using the Sys [...] in these case. tlsMethod CmpTls_Interfaces [...] chipers used
DrvEtherCAT.DCInSyncWindow (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY [...] WORD Sets or gets [...] when using CODESYS SoftMotion)