CBM.ETrigA Function [...] a bus scan. Note [...] code itfFirstDevice
BufferLen bytes from a device with a certain address [...] ²c device pby
BufferLen bytes to a device with a certain address [...] ²c device pby
dictionary of a DEVICE . [...] _READ4 EXTENDS CiA [...] for reading a specific
dictionary of a DEVICE . [...] _READ_DATA EXTENDS CiA [...] for reading a specific
dictionary of a DEVICE . [...] _READ EXTENDS CiA [...] for reading a specific
BOOL EXTENDS CBM.ETrigA Adds a BOOL value [...] If a falling edge
BYTE EXTENDS CBM.ETrigA Adds a BYTE value [...] If a falling edge
DATE EXTENDS CBM.ETrigA Adds a DATE value [...] If a falling edge
DATE_AND_TIME EXTENDS CBM.ETrigA Adds a DATE [...] If a falling edge