. nIndex CmpBACnet.IEC_BACNET_ELEMENT_COUNT [...] WeeklyEntry : CmpBACnet.IEC [...] GetWeeklyEntry CmpBACnet.IEC
IEC [...] that have any value other than IEC [...] ( IEC
reading. octetCount CmpBACnet.IEC [...] TargetDeviceAddress POINTER TO CmpBACnet.IEC [...] ClientBase Output eStatus CmpBACnet.IEC
reading. octetCount CmpBACnet.IEC [...] TargetDeviceAddress POINTER TO CmpBACnet.IEC [...] APDUParams POINTER TO CmpBACnet.IEC
-paint cycle a subsequent [...] line iCountLines INT
for exactly one cycle. x [...] ComPort RTS_IEC_HANDLE usi
of short cycle times [...] cycle time of 1 [...] _FIXCYCLE , where the cycle
COVNotificationStatus CmpBACnet.IEC_BACNET_STATUS CmpBACnet.IEC [...] AddressBinding GetAddressBindingsCount
SpecificDeviceState (Method) INode ChildNodeCount [...] Node (Property) SiblingNodeCount [...] CommunicationState (Method) GetActValuesForCycle
for exactly one cycle [...] udiCount