to the set position [...] state of the drive if it uses the set values
DeviceDiagInitialized (Property) Set [...] ActValuesForCycle (Method) GetSet [...] -functions SMC3_DetectDrive
SMC3_ReinitDrive [...] _BLOCK SMC3_ReinitDrive [...] drive
SMC_ReadSet [...] _BLOCK SMC_ReadSet [...] the currently set position
Access ConvertReceivedDriveParameter (Method) ConvertTransmitDriveParameter (Method) GetMappedDrive
DriveInterface ¶ [...] DeviceDiagInitialized (Property) Set [...] ActValuesForCycle (Method) GetSet
the set velocity fSetVelocity to the axis drive structure [...] SWMaxVelocity which is set in Axis
the set position fSetPosition to the drive structure Axis [...] which is set in AXIS
the set position fSetPosition and the set velocity fSetVelocity to the axis drive structure
CommandFlag (Method) ConvertReceivedDriveParameter (Method) ConvertTransmitDriveParameter (Method) GetMappedDrive