_GEOINFO . wAddAxis WORD [...] 1 Z: Bit 2 A: Bit [...] AxisOutOfLimits WORD Axes
30 DWORD_IN_BYTES (Struct) DWORD_IN_WORDS [...] DeSys V2 projects
DWORD ; dwSize : DWORD ; pbyOutData : [...] config.pSlaves [2] .
CmpTlsCreateContext2 (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CmpTlsCreateContext2 [...] communication using the SysSocket2
(with MODE=1 or MODE=2 [...] 1, and the CODE2 input sets the Error Code 2
transparency diColor2 DINT [...] FPlot.COLOR.White Second color bTranspColor2 [...] ColorBrightness DWORD Color
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(CET) and ”UTC+2 [...] Timestamp DWORD <param name
:= [0, 1, 2, 3] ; [...] ; ID : DWORD := Comm [...] _Device.DeviceID , SLOT := 2 ,
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