TO CL2I.DATA ; eError : CL2.ERROR ; ct [...] _VAR hReceiver := CL2
_REF_ETC_DS402_CS wStatusWord2 WORD [...] AxisStructID WORD 16#FE12 AXIS [...] : errorstop 2: stopping 3
DeadTimeCycles BYTE 2 Number [...] TimeStamp DWORD Optional time [...] TimeAtMax DWORD 0 Maximum value
. dwParam2 DWORD [...] VarSize DWORD The size [...] DialogId DWORD If the value
. dwParam2 DWORD [...] VarSize DWORD The size [...] DialogId DWORD If the value
NC2 ¶ GSentence [...] Pointers (Method) WordCapacity (Method) Word
3.5 SP2 [...] of the CNC word [...] CODESYS V2
VisuFbFileTransferManager.RequestStreamingVisuToPlc2 [...] RequestStreamingVisuToPlc2 [...] ControlFlags DWORD ift
communication using the SysSocket2 [...] in the communication. TLS1.2 [...] be TLS1.2 client
NumberVars := 2 , psv [...] VarListID WORD 16 [...] NumberVars WORD 0 Contains