SysSockRecvFromUdp (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysSockRecvFromUdp : __XINT Receive a paket from a UDP socket. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SysSockRecvFromUdp __XINT Number of bytes received Input hSocketUdp RTS_IEC_HANDLE Handle to the UDP socket pbyData POINTER TO BYTE Pointer to data to receive diDataSize __XINT Size of data to receive pReply POINTER TO UDP_REPLY Description of the client that has sent this paket pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT Pointer to runtime system error code (see CmpErrors.library)
SysSockRecvMsg (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysSockRecvMsg : __XINT Receives a message from a socket. NOTE: For querying the SOCKET_MSG_BCAST message flag the IP_PKTINFO socket option has to be set on the socket. NOTE: With some IP stacks (LwIP for example, which is used with the CODESYS Control RTE), it is necessary to set the SOCKET_SO_BROADCAST socket option (SOCKET_SOL level) in order to be able to receive broadcast UDP messages with the SysSockRecvMsg() and SysSockRecvFrom() functions. NOTE: If no messages are available at the socket and SOCKET_FIONBIO is not set on the socket, SysSockRecvMsg() shall block until a message arrives. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SysSockRecvMsg __XINT Upon successful completion, SysSockRecvMsg() shall return the length of the message in bytes. If no messages are available to be received and the peer has performed an orderly shutdown, SysSockRecvMsg() shall return 0 and set * pResult to ERR_SOCK_CLOSED. Otherwise, the function shall return 0 and set * pResult to indicate the error. Input hSocket RTS_IEC_HANDLE Handle to the socket. pMessage POINTER TO SOCK_RECVMSG_MSG Points to a SOCK_RECVMSG_MSG structure, containing both the buffer to store the source address and the buffer for the incoming message. The length and format of the address depend on the address family of the socket. The msgFlags and msgFlagsSupported members are ignored on input, but may contain meaningful values on output. flags DWORD Specifies the type of message reception. Values of this argument are formed by logically OR’ing zero or more of the SOCKET_MSG values. See category “Message flags”. pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT Pointer to runtime system error code (see CmpErrors.library)
SysSockSelect (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysSockSelect : RTS_IEC_RESULT Check a number of sockets for activity. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SysSockSelect RTS_IEC_RESULT Runtime system error code (see CmpErrors.library): ERR_OK ERR_SOCK_TIMEDOUT, if timeout expired Input diWidth DINT Number of sockets in the |SOCKET_FD_SET| structure, so |SOCKET_FD_SETSIZE| must be used here. pfdRead POINTER TO SOCKET_FD_SET Optional pointer to the structure |SOCKET_FD_SET| defining the socket set to be checked for reading. It is also possible to set this parameter to 0. pfdWrite POINTER TO SOCKET_FD_SET Optional pointer to the structure |SOCKET_FD_SET| defining the socket set to be checked for writing. It is also possible to set this parameter to 0. pfdExcept POINTER TO SOCKET_FD_SET Optional pointer to structure |SOCKET_FD_SET| that defines the socket set the error state has to be checked. It is also possible to set this parameter to 0. ptvTimeout POINTER TO SOCKET_TIMEVAL Pointer to maximum timespan which the function SysSockSelect waits for a response: ptvTimeout=NULL: Infinite wait ptvTimeout->tv_sec=-1, ptvTimeout->tv_usec=-1: Infinite wait ptvTimeout->tv_sec=0, ptvTimeout->tv_usec=0: No wait pdiReady POINTER TO DINT Number of sockets that are ready for IO
SysSockSend (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysSockSend : __XINT Sent data to a TCP socket. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SysSockSend __XINT Number of sent bytes. 0 if failed. Input hSocket RTS_IEC_HANDLE Handle to the socket pbyBuffer POINTER TO BYTE Buffer with data to sent diBufferSize __XINT Maximum length of the buffer diFlags DINT The flags parameter can be used to influence the behavior of the function beyond the options specified for the associated socket. The semantics of this function are determined by the socket options and the flags parameter. The latter is constructed by using the bitwise OR operator with any of the SOCKET_MSG values. pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT Pointer to runtime system error code (see CmpErrors.library)
SysSockSendTo (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysSockSendTo : __XINT Send a message over a connectionless socket (UDP). InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SysSockSendTo __XINT Number of bytes received. Input hSocket RTS_IEC_HANDLE Handle to the socket pbyBuffer POINTER TO BYTE Buffer with send data diBufferSize __XINT Length of data to send. If diBufferSize = 0 ERR_PARAMETER is returned diFlags DINT The flags parameter can be used to influence the behavior of the function beyond the options specified for the associated socket. The semantics of this function are determined by the socket options and the flags parameter. The latter is constructed by using the bitwise OR operator with any of the SOCKET_MSG values. pSockAddr POINTER TO SOCKADDRESS Socket address and port to sent data to diSockAddrSize DINT Size of socket address structure pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT Pointer to runtime system error code (see CmpErrors.library)
SysSockSendToUdp (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysSockSendToUdp : __XINT Send a paket to a UDP socket. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SysSockSendToUdp __XINT Number of bytes sent Input hSocketUdp RTS_IEC_HANDLE Handle to the UDP socket diPort DINT Port number ot send data to szDestAddress REFERENCE TO STRING Destination IP address ot send data to pbyData POINTER TO BYTE Pointer to data to send diDataSize __XINT Size of data to send. If diDataSize = 0 ERR_PARAMETER is returned. pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT Pointer to runtime system error code (see CmpErrors.library)
SysSockSetDefaultGateway (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysSockSetDefaultGateway : RTS_IEC_RESULT Set default gateway address an adapter. It depends on the device, whether the new gateway address is reset during reboot or if it is retained. In general the caller should consider this as volatile. The gateway address = can be used to remove the gateway address from the adapter. After this there is not routing to other subnets possible. Note The default gateway can only be changed if the adapter containing the current default gateway is whitelisted in the CODESYSControl.cfg. This function will not change the default gateway of any other adapter. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SysSockSetDefaultGateway RTS_IEC_RESULT Returns the runtime system error code (see CmpErrors.library): ERR_PARAMETER: At least one of the passed pointers is NULL. ERR_OPERATION_DENIED: Adapter is not in white list or the operation was denied by the event EVT_SysSocket_BeforeSetGateway. ERR_NO_OBJECT: Adapter with the specified name does not exist. ERR_NO_CHANGE: There is a default gateway set on an adapter that is not whitelisted. ERR_FAILED: Default gateway could not be set. ERR_OK: Default gateway was set successfully. Input wsAdapterName REFERENCE TO WSTRING Adapter name provided by SysSockGetFirstAdapter() / SysSockGetNextAdapter() GatewayAddr REFERENCE TO INADDR Ip address of the gateway to set in network byte order.
SysSockSetIPAddress (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysSockSetIPAddress : RTS_IEC_RESULT Set IP address of the specified ethernet device. Is not available on all platforms! Use SysSockSetIpAddressAndNetMask() instead. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SysSockSetIPAddress RTS_IEC_RESULT Runtime system error code (see CmpErrors.library). Input szCard REFERENCE TO STRING Name of the ethernet card (aka adapter name) szIPAddress REFERENCE TO STRING IP address to set as string
SysSockSetIpAddressAndNetMask (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysSockSetIpAddressAndNetMask : RTS_IEC_RESULT Set IP address and subnet mask of an adapter. It depends on the device, whether the new ip address and subnet mask is reset during reboot or if it is retained. In general the caller should consider these as volatile. The combination IP address = and subnet mask = can be used to remove the IP address from the adapter. After this there is no IP based communication possible anymore, until a new IP address is set. Replaces the functions SysSockSetIPAddress() and SysSockSetSubnetMask(). InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SysSockSetIpAddressAndNetMask RTS_IEC_RESULT Runtime system error code (see CmpErrors.library). Input wsAdapterName REFERENCE TO WSTRING Adapter name provided by SysSockGetFirstAdapter() / SysSockGetNextAdapter() IpAddr REFERENCE TO INADDR Ip address to set in network byte order NetMask REFERENCE TO INADDR Subnet mask to set in network byte order
SysSockSetOption (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysSockSetOption : RTS_IEC_RESULT Set options of a specified socket. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SysSockSetOption RTS_IEC_RESULT Runtime system error code (see CmpErrors.library). Input hSocket RTS_IEC_HANDLE Handle to the socket diLevel DINT Level of the socket diOption DINT Socket option command pdiOptionValue POINTER TO DINT Pointer to the option value diOptionLen DINT Lenght of option value