This routine permits a task to pend until one of a [...] corresponds to a particular
over all indices of a given [...] signature is a function [...] arguments: a POINTER
InititalValue is a helper method in cases a static [...] of a declaration can
InititalValue is a helper method in cases a static [...] of a declaration can
SockRecvMsg() call uses a SOCK [...] : Points to a buffer [...] Flags DWORD OUT: A 32
IoDrvProfibus. By this service a master causes a slave or a [...] . This is a bit
SubmoduleInfo data from a [...] below a controller node [...] more than a single
Name Type Input byOutputsA [...] [0..7] OF UINT byInputsA [...] _byGPIOSelectInputA
_Quat1_Exp : BOOL Creates a [...] that represents a rotation [...] /angle is represented by a single
ModCall POINTER TO ModuleCall A pointer to a list [...] Event A pointer to a