TaggedServiceWriter.WriteDWordSwapped (METH) ¶ METHOD WriteDWord [...] the given double word
ServiceWriter.WriteDWordSwapped (METH) ¶ METHOD WriteDWord [...] the given double word
IServiceWriter.WriteDWordSwapped (METH) ¶ METHOD WriteDWord [...] the given double word
ITaggedServiceWriter2.WriteDWordSwapped (METH) ¶ METHOD WriteDWord [...] the given double word
wSlaveIndex WORD [...] VendorID DWORD the vendor id [...] ProductID DWORD the product id
4 GetByte GetDWord [...] NWords GetWord Padding PutByte PutDWord Put
Swap ¶ SwapDword (Function) SwapLword (Function) SwapWord
ComplexStartTag (Method) WriteDWord (Method) WriteDWord [...] String (Method) WriteWord
EventId DWORD Event [...] CmpIdProvider DWORD [...] of the provider. usParamId WORD
_CmpLog DWORD 16#13 Component [...] Open EVTPARAMID_CmpLogAdd WORD [...] _CmpLogAdd WORD 16#2 EVT