ValueBOOL (Method) GetValueREAL [...] ValueUDINT (Method) SetValueREAL [...] ValueDINT (Method) IXYChartString
_TO_ISO8601 (Function) DT_TO_REAL [...] 64_TO_LTIME (Function) INT64_TO_REAL [...] _TO_ISO8601 (Function) LTIME_TO_REAL
32Value UDINT real32Value REAL real [...] stringValue POINTER
BACnetArraySizeOfTwoProperties GetBACnetBitString [...] BACnetPrescaleProperty GetBACnetReal [...] BACnetSignedProperty GetBACnetString
Value REAL Literal value in case of REAL lr [...] of string
is “STRING” vType Visu [...] elaborated rValue REAL [...] elaborated in case of REAL
(FunctionBlock) XYChartMeasureString [...] ValueBOOL (Method) GetValueREAL [...] InitialAddress (Method) SetValueREAL
ToLREAL (Method) ConvertToREAL (Method) ConvertToString
BACnetAccumulatorRecordProperty (Method) GetBACnetBitString [...] BACnetPrescaleProperty (Method) GetBACnetReal [...] BACnetSignedProperty (Method) GetBACnetString
_ArrayOfLReal_NotEqual (Function) REAL Assert_ArrayOfReal_Contains (Function) Assert_ArrayOfReal_ContainsAllOf (Function) Assert_ArrayOfReal