SysTimeRtcConvertHighResToLocal (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysTime [...] format [Localtime
LanguageText (Method) VisuDateTimeFormatPlaceholders (Enum) VisuFbAnalyzeDateTimeFormat [...] (Method) VisuFbAnalyzeDateTimeFormat
_InputChecks Inout Const optDateTimeFormat
and time format pattern [...] of a timestamp g_sTimeFormat [...] :mm:ss’ The time format used
Printf ¶ FormatDateTime (Function) Printf (Function) Printf
Mode BYTE byCycleTime BYTE byFormat BYTE byWatchDogTime
Printf and FormatDateTime [...] FormatDateTime
TODConcat : TIME [...] to the IEC 6-1131-3 format TIME_OF_DAY .
from the IEC 6-1131-3 format TIME_OF_DAY . In [...] ERROR Input todTime
in the alarm storage format. Input time [...] the date and time (UTC)