IMouseEventHandler (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IMouseEventHandler EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface queryinterface to be extensible in the future (pass screen coordinates or so) could be used by endusers too -> visible Methods: HandleMouseBtnEvent HandleMouseMoveEvent Structure: HandleMouseBtnEvent (Method) HandleMouseMoveEvent (Method)
IMouseEventHandler.HandleMouseBtnEvent (METH) ¶ METHOD HandleMouseBtnEvent : BOOL This method will be called when a mouse button is pressed. RETURN: TRUE - When the handler has handled this event and it should not be handled by someone else FALSE - When the event is not handled by this handler InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return HandleMouseBtnEvent BOOL Input bMouseUpEvent BOOL The event type. The value is true if a mouse button was released. btMouseBtn BYTE Information about the button that was pressed or released. At the moment this value is not yet used and will always have the value 0! ptMouse VisuStructPoint The position where the mouse event was raised. The coordinates of this point are relative to the currently active toplevel visualization, even when best fit is activated. pClient POINTER TO VisuStructClientData A pointer to the client structure were the event occurred.
IMouseEventHandler.HandleMouseMoveEvent (METH) ¶ METHOD HandleMouseMoveEvent : BOOL This method will be called when the mouse was moved. RETURN: TRUE - When the handler has handled this event and it should not be handled by someone else FALSE - When the event is not handled by this handler InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return HandleMouseMoveEvent BOOL Input ptMouse VisuStructPoint The position where the mouse was moved to. The coordinates of this point are relative to the currently active toplevel visualization, even when best fit is activated. pClient POINTER TO VisuStructClientData A pointer to the client structure were the event occurred.
IPAADialog.HandlePAASelection (METH) ¶ METHOD HandlePAASelection : DWORD InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return HandlePAASelection DWORD Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData The current client data pCurrentSelectionData POINTER TO Visu_StructSelectionData The current selection data pNewSelectionData POINTER TO Visu_StructSelectionData The new selection data dwSelectionType DWORD The selection type dwGroupType DWORD The group type pPosition POINTER TO ARRAY [0..9] OF INT The position to select iVisualElement IVisualElement The visual element to select iElemIndex INT The current element index iElemId INT The current element id iPositionIndex INT The current position in the position array
IPAADialog.SetTransformPAA (METH) ¶ METHOD SetTransformPAA : VisuFbTransformInformation InOut: Scope Name Type Return SetTransformPAA VisuFbTransformInformation Input pClient POINTER TO VisuStructClientData
IPAADialog2 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IPAADialog2 EXTENDS IPAADialog Methods: ClosePAADialog2 ClosePAADialog , inherited from IPAADialog CollectRectangles , inherited from IPAADialog HandlePAASelection , inherited from IPAADialog SetTransformPAA , inherited from IPAADialog Structure: ClosePAADialog2 (Method)
IKeyEventHandler (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IKeyEventHandler could be used by endusers too -> visible Methods: HandleKeyEvent Structure: HandleKeyEvent (Method)
IKeyEventHandler.HandleKeyEvent (METH) ¶ METHOD HandleKeyEvent : BOOL This method will be called after a key event is released. RETURN: TRUE - When the handler has handled this event and it should not be handled by someone else FALSE - When the event is not handled by this handler InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return HandleKeyEvent BOOL Input bKeyUpEvent BOOL The event type. The value is true if a key up event was released. dwKey DWORD The key code dwModifiers DWORD The modifiers. Possible values are: VISU_KEYMOD_SHIFT : DWORD := 1; VISU_KEYMOD_ALT : DWORD := 2; VISU_KEYMOD_CTRL : DWORD := 4; pClient POINTER TO VisuStructClientData A pointer to the client structure were tje event was released
ILayerManager (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ILayerManager Methods: EndLayer SetAdditionalLayers StartLayer Structure: EndLayer (Method) SetAdditionalLayers (Method) StartLayer (Method)
IGestureEventHandler3.HandleTouchEvent2 (METH) ¶ METHOD HandleTouchEvent2 : BOOL This method will be called when a touch handled by IEC was detected by the visualiuation. This method supersedes IGestureEventHandler2.HandleTouchEvent so in fact if there is an implementation of the current method, then this one will be called instead of IGestureEventHandler2.HandleTouchEvent. RETURN: TRUE - When the handler has handled this event and it should not be handled by someone else FALSE - When the event is not handled by this handler InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return HandleTouchEvent2 BOOL Input numTouches INT The number of informations contained in this event callback (-> pTouches) pTouches POINTER TO VisuStructSingleIECTouchInfo A pointer to an array of touch informations; it is allowed to access this pointer in the range [0..numTouches-1] pClient POINTER TO VisuStructClientData A pointer to the client structure were the event occurred.