Internal ¶ TrendFctShowUnsupportedFunctionWarning (Function) VisuFbTickMarkDrawer2 (FunctionBlock) IPlotAxisTickMarkTraverserClient2 BeforeTraversal2 (Method) ProcessMinorTickMarks2 (Method) ProcessMinorTickMarksLeading (Method) ProcessMinorTickMarksTrailing (Method) private prvProcessMinorTickMarks (Method)
TrendFctShowUnsupportedFunctionWarning (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION TrendFctShowUnsupportedFunctionWarning This function is used to determine the situation, where unsupported functionality is called, where normally a newer function or method is supposed to be called. Activated by conditional compilation (compiler define TREND_SHOW_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION_WARNING)
VisuFbTickMarkDrawer2 (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK VisuFbTickMarkDrawer2 EXTENDS VisuFbTickMarkDrawer IMPLEMENTS IPlotAxisTickMarkTraverserClient2 InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Inherited from Input m_itfDrawContext IDrawContext The IDrawContext instance, where this class draws VisuFbTickMarkDrawer itfPlotAxis2 IPlotAxis2 The IPlotAxis2 instance, that is currently drawn VisuFbTickMarkDrawer m_itfDiagrams IPlotDiagramEnumerable VisuFbTickMarkDrawer m_iNumRowsOfAxisLabels INT 1 The number of rows the labels of the axis span. VisuFbTickMarkDrawer m_xDrawGridLines BOOL Flag indicating, whether the grid lines have to be drawn (TRUE) or not (FALSE). VisuFbTickMarkDrawer m_xDrawAlternatingBackground BOOL Flag indicating, whether a background using the two colors has to be drawn VisuFbTickMarkDrawer m_dwBackgroundFirstColor DWORD The two colors for the background, coming from the currently selected visualization style VisuFbTickMarkDrawer m_dwBackgroundSecondColor DWORD VisuFbTickMarkDrawer Methods: BeforeTraversal2 ProcessMinorTickMarks2 ProcessMinorTickMarksLeading ProcessMinorTickMarksTrailing prvProcessMinorTickMarks Structure: IPlotAxisTickMarkTraverserClient2 BeforeTraversal2 (Method) ProcessMinorTickMarks2 (Method) ProcessMinorTickMarksLeading (Method) ProcessMinorTickMarksTrailing (Method) private prvProcessMinorTickMarks (Method)
IPlotAxisTickMarkTraverserClient2 ¶ BeforeTraversal2 (Method) ProcessMinorTickMarks2 (Method) ProcessMinorTickMarksLeading (Method) ProcessMinorTickMarksTrailing (Method)
VisuFbTickMarkDrawer2.BeforeTraversal2 (METH) ¶ METHOD BeforeTraversal2 Enhancement of method BeforeTraversal. Passes detailed information about the tick marks to traverse. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input eMinorTimestampTickmarkDistance VisuEnumTimestampTickmark This VisuEnumTimestampTickmark value describes the distance between two minor tick marks liDist LINT The distance in units (not in pixels) between two major tick marks. Note: This value might be not exact if the distance is larger than a month, because in this case the distance of major tick marks might depend upon the current month liRange LINT The range of the axis, i.e. [min value, max value] xMicroSeconds BOOL Indicates, whether the distance liDist and liRange have the resolution microseconds (TRUE) or milliseconds (FALSE)
VisuFbTableColumnSimpleBase.Paint (METH) ¶ METHOD Paint : BOOL See description of the overridden method InOut: Scope Name Type Return Paint BOOL Input dwFlags DWORD
VisuFbTableColumnSimpleBase.PaintContent (METH) ¶ METHOD PaintContent : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return PaintContent BOOL Input dwFlags DWORD
VisuFbTableColumnSimpleBase.ResetCellCount (METH) ¶ METHOD ResetCellCount : BOOL Method to reset the dynamically increased cell count InOut: Scope Name Type Return ResetCellCount BOOL
VisuFbTableColumnSimpleBase.SetClientData (METH) ¶ METHOD SetClientData : BOOL Overrides the method our our super function block and passes the information to all our cells InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SetClientData BOOL Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData See Interface IVisualElement
VisuFbTableColumnSimpleBase.SetVisible (METH) ¶ METHOD SetVisible : BOOL Sets the column visible or invisible InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SetVisible BOOL Input bVisible BOOL TRUE if the column is visible, otherwise FALSE