ITrendStorageAccessReadOperator2.GradientAngleRead (METH) ¶ METHOD GradientAngleRead This method returns the angle of gradient rotation InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input iWhichVariable INT The 0 based index of the variable within all variables iValue INT The angle of gradient rotation
ITrendStorageAccessReadOperator2.GradientBrightnessRead (METH) ¶ METHOD GradientBrightnessRead This method returns the brightness of the gradient InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input iWhichVariable INT The 0 based index of the variable within all variables iValue INT The brightness of the gradient
ITrendStorageAccessReadOperator2.GradientCenterXRead (METH) ¶ METHOD GradientCenterXRead This method returns the rotation center of the gradient (X) InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input iWhichVariable INT The 0 based index of the variable within all variables iValue INT The rotation center of the gradient (X)
ITrendStorageAccessReadOperator2.GradientCenterYRead (METH) ¶ METHOD GradientCenterYRead This method returns the rotation center of the gradient (Y) InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input iWhichVariable INT The 0 based index of the variable within all variables iValue INT The rotation center of the gradient (Y)
ITrendStorageAccessReadOperator2.GradientColor1Read (METH) ¶ METHOD GradientColor1Read This method returns the first color of the gradient InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input iWhichVariable INT The 0 based index of the variable within all variables diValue DINT The first color of the gradient
ITrendStorageAccessReadOperator2.GradientColor2Read (METH) ¶ METHOD GradientColor2Read This method returns the second color of the gradient InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input iWhichVariable INT The 0 based index of the variable within all variables diValue DINT The second color of the gradient
IVisuUserManagement.CheckLoginWithGroupID (METH) ¶ METHOD CheckLoginWithGroupID : VUM_ReturnValues This method checks whether the user is in the database, the password is correct and the user belongs to the user group. If everything is correct the function returns VUM_ReturnValues.ERR_OK. see VUM_ReturnValues (ENUM) where possible error reasons are described. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return CheckLoginWithGroupID VUM_ReturnValues Input wstUserName WSTRING the user name wstPassword WSTRING the password of the user dwUserGroupID DWORD the user group id to which the user must belong to
IVisuUserManagement.RegisterExternalUserDatabaseProvider (METH) ¶ METHOD RegisterExternalUserDatabaseProvider : VUM_ReturnValues This method registers an external user database provider. Only one external user database provider can be registered. see IExternalUserDatabaseProvider (ITF) If everything is correct the function returns VUM_ReturnValues.ERR_OK. see VUM_ReturnValues (ENUM) where possible error reasons are described. InOut: Scope Name Type Return RegisterExternalUserDatabaseProvider VUM_ReturnValues Input itfExtenalUserDatabaseProvider IExternalUserDatabaseProvider
IVisuUserManagement2 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IVisuUserManagement2 EXTENDS IVisuUserManagement , __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface Extension of interface IVisuUserManagement which provides the functionallity to login a user from an IEC application Methods: LoginToUserGroup LoginToUserGroups CheckLogin , inherited from IVisuUserManagement CheckLoginWithGroupID , inherited from IVisuUserManagement RegisterExternalUserDatabaseProvider , inherited from IVisuUserManagement Structure: LoginToUserGroup (Method) LoginToUserGroups (Method)
IVisuUserManagement2.LoginToUserGroup (METH) ¶ METHOD LoginToUserGroup : BOOL With this method a programmatic login for a specific visualization client can be executed for one specific user group. If everything is correct the function returns TRUE. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return LoginToUserGroup BOOL Input pClient POINTER TO BYTE A pointer to the visualization client - POINTER TO VisuElems.VisuStructClientData dwGroupId DWORD The user group id wstUserName WSTRING(79) The user name which is afterwards content in VisuElems.CurrentUserName wstFullName WSTRING(79) The full user name which is afterwards content in VisuElems.CurrentFullUserName