IVisuUserManagement2.LoginToUserGroups (METH) ¶ METHOD LoginToUserGroups : BOOL With this method a programmatic login for a specific visualization client can be executed for a list of user groups. If everything is correct the function returns TRUE. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return LoginToUserGroups BOOL Input pClient POINTER TO BYTE A pointer to the visualization client - POINTER TO VisuElems.VisuStructClientData padwUserGroupIds POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF DWORD A pointer to an array of user group ids dwUserGroupCount DWORD The number of user groups ids in the array padwUserGroupIds wstUserName WSTRING(79) The user name which is afterwards content in VisuElems.CurrentUserName wstFullName WSTRING(79) The full user name which is afterwards content in VisuElems.CurrentFullUserName
File and Project Information ¶ Scope Name Type Content FileHeader creationDateTime date 13.12.2023, 11:18:18 companyName string 3S-Smart Software Solutions GmbH libraryFile VisuUserMgmt2_Itfs.library primaryProject True productName CODESYS productProfile CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 contentFile VisuUserMgmt2_Itfs.clean.json version version ProjectInformation IsInterfaceLibrary bool True Released True VisuStructural True LastModificationDateTime date 13.12.2023, 11:18:16 LibraryCategories library-category-list Intern|Visu Author string CODESYS Development GmbH Company System CompiledLibraryCompatibilityVersion CODESYS V3.5 SP15 DefaultNamespace VisuUserManagement_Interfaces Description See: Description DocFormat reStructuredText Project VisuUserMgmt2_Itfs Title VisuUserMgmt2 Interfaces Version version
Library Reference ¶ This is a dictionary of all referenced libraries and their name spaces. Base Interfaces ¶ Library Identification ¶ Name: Base Interfaces Version: newest Company: System Namespace: IBaseLibrary Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: Base Interfaces, * (System) Data Server Interfaces ¶ Library Identification ¶ Name: Data Server Interfaces Version: newest Company: System Namespace: Dataserver_Interfaces Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: Data Server Interfaces, * (System)
IExternalUserDatabaseProvider.ChangeUserPassword (METH) ¶ METHOD ChangeUserPassword : VUM_ReturnValues Changes the password of a given user. If everything is correct the function returns VUM_ReturnValues.ERR_OK. see VUM_ReturnValues (ENUM) where possible error reasons are described. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return ChangeUserPassword VUM_ReturnValues Input wstUserName WSTRING the user name wstNewPassword WSTRING the new password of the user wstOldPassword WSTRING the old password of the user
IExternalUserDatabaseProvider.CheckLogin (METH) ¶ METHOD CheckLogin : VUM_ReturnValues Checks whether the user name and password is correct. If everything is correct the function returns VUM_ReturnValues.ERR_OK. see VUM_ReturnValues (ENUM) where possible error reasons are described. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return CheckLogin VUM_ReturnValues Input wstUserName WSTRING the user name wstPassword WSTRING the password of the user Output wstFullName WSTRING the full name of the user dwUserGroupID DWORD the group id where the user belongs to
IExternalUserDatabaseProvider.CheckLoginWithGroupID (METH) ¶ METHOD CheckLoginWithGroupID : VUM_ReturnValues This method checks whether the user is in the database, the password is correct and the user belongs to the user group. If everything is correct the function returns VUM_ReturnValues.ERR_OK. see VUM_ReturnValues (ENUM) where possible error reasons are described. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return CheckLoginWithGroupID VUM_ReturnValues Input wstUserName WSTRING the user name wstPassword WSTRING the password of the user dwUserGroupID DWORD the user group id to which the user must belong to Output wstFullName WSTRING the full name of the user
IExternalUserDatabaseProvider.ChangeUser (METH) ¶ METHOD ChangeUser : VUM_ReturnValues Changes on a user database. The edit type can be: VUM_MODIFY, VUM_ADD, VUM_REMOVE AND VUM_INSERT If everything is correct the function returns VUM_ReturnValues.ERR_OK. see VUM_ReturnValues (ENUM) where possible error reasons are described. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return ChangeUser VUM_ReturnValues Input pvumUser POINTER TO VUM_User The new user data udiIndex UDINT The index of this edit operation eEditType VUM_EditType The type of this edit operation
IExternalUserDatabaseProvider.GetUserCount (METH) ¶ METHOD GetUserCount : UDINT Returns the number of all available users. InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetUserCount UDINT
IExternalUserDatabaseProvider.GetUsers (METH) ¶ METHOD GetUsers : VUM_ReturnValues Returns the users in a specified range If everything is correct the function returns VUM_ReturnValues.ERR_OK. see VUM_ReturnValues (ENUM) where possible error reasons are described. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetUsers VUM_ReturnValues Input udiStartIndex UDINT The start index in a list of users udiEndIndex UDINT The end index in a list of users pArr POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF VUM_User The user data which should be filled udiArrSize UDINT The size of the given user array
IExternalUserDatabaseProvider2.FindUserByType (METH) ¶ METHOD FindUserByType : VUM_ReturnValues Returns the user with the specified user name If everything is correct the function returns VUM_ReturnValues.ERR_OK. see VUM_ReturnValues (ENUM) where possible error reasons are described. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return FindUserByType VUM_ReturnValues Input vumUserIn VUM_User The user to search for eEditType VUM_EditType The user edit type VUM_FIND_USER_BY_NAME OR VUM_FIND_NEXT_USER_WHICH_BELONGS_TO_ONE_OF_THE_GROUPS Output vumUser VUM_User The found user data udiIndex UDINT The index of the user in the user list