IDevice ¶ CheckCurrentSupportedCommunicationState (Method) CheckSupportedCommunicationState (Method) GetDeviceInfo (Method) GetDeviceState (Method) SetCommunicationState (Method)
CANRemoteDevice.GuardTime (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY GuardTime : UDINT Returns the Heartbeat Producing Time or Nodeguarding Time in milliseconds.
CANRemoteDevice.GuardWatchdogTime (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY GuardWatchdogTime : UDINT Monitoring time in milliseconds. Heartbeat protocol: Heartbeat consuming time used by the manager for the related slave (default: 1.5 * GuardTime). Nodeguarding protocol: Life Time used by the manager for the related slave (default: GuardTime * Life Time Factor). Sync PDO Guarding: Monitoring time for cyclic synchronous PDOs.
CANRemoteDevice.GuardingType (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY GuardingType : GUARDING_TYPE Returns the current enabled guarding type.
CANRemoteDevice.NMTErrorBehaviour (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY FINAL NMTErrorBehaviour : NMT_ERROR_BEHAVIOUR Gets or sets the NMT error behaviour algorithm. For further information see NMT_ERROR_BEHAVIOUR .
CANRemoteDevice.NodeID (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY FINAL NodeID : BYTE Gets the NodeID of the slave.
CANRemoteDevice.pCANopenManager (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY FINAL pCANopenManager : POINTER TO CANopenManager Gets the pointer to the associated CANopenManager instance.
CANopenManager (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK CANopenManager EXTENDS IoDrvBase IMPLEMENTS ICmpIoDrvParameter, CS.ICanOpenStack This function block implements the CANopenManager state machine. Note Do not instantiate this function block. It will be instantiated implicitly. Properties: KernelState MandatorySlavesBooted OptionalSlavesBooted NMTInhibitTime Methods: GetSlaveByNodeID RegisterEventHandler UnregisterEventHandler Structure: Events RegisterEventHandler (Method) UnregisterEventHandler (Method) Helper GetSlaveByNodeID (Method) KernelState (Property) MandatorySlavesBooted (Property) NMT NMTInhibitTime (Property) OptionalSlavesBooted (Property)
Events ¶ RegisterEventHandler (Method) UnregisterEventHandler (Method)
CANopenManager.RegisterEventHandler (METH) ¶ METHOD FINAL RegisterEventHandler : BOOL With this method an event handler can be registered. An even handler is a function block which implements ICANopenEventHandler . Note There can be only one Event Handler registered. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input itfEventHandler ICANopenEventHandler Event Handler to be registered. Return RegisterEventHandler BOOL Returns if event handler was registered successfully.