Shutdown (Method) IDriverStateMachine2 [...] ) Swapping SwapDword (Function) SwapDword
2 has channel [...] operation ID DWORD Device [...] DWORD 0 = OK. Updated
, L1, L2 etc) x [...] is in process. wState WORD
IDN WORD The IDN to read byElem BYTE 0 2
IDN WORD The IDN to read byElem BYTE 0 2
IDN WORD The IDN to read byElem BYTE 0 2
IDN WORD The IDN to read byElem BYTE 0 2
_Send (Action) TOOLS IEC61850_ReadDWord [...] 61850_ReadString (Function) IEC61850_ReadWord
be executed, whereas dOverride=2 [...] dwIpoTime DWORD [...] _ACCEL (2): accelerating
) dwValueMask DWORD [...] 1: fSetVelocity Bit2